Thoughts on how to be single again in your thirties after a very long marriage, four kids and a PHD. Someone hand me a rule book I think I need one!
differential posts:)
Published on June 8, 2004 By cinnamonstone In Sex & Romance
I just re-read my last post from the 18th the one where I was obviously high on orgasm hormones:) Sometimes I reckon my punnani moves into the space where my brain is supposed to be. Rob and I had a few discussions over the last three weeks or so... well more than a few...lets just say I got hit with a reality stick...really hard.

I'd like to know if any of the other women out there have ever had the experience of being with someone and you think, for whatever reason that there are "uncharted waters" in there, just waiting to be discovered...until you find out that nope...actually there isn't...the person is as deep as the river in Alice Springs in summer time...or maybe and more accurately in this case this person is simply looking for someone willing to "fit" inside the relationship perameters that they set?

I also started analysing a few things...the lack of "animate" objects in his house, no pictures of ANYONE only scenery, sunsets and the like, no plants...and an extremely minimialist approach to his surrondings. No pets...because "they die" I did ask him about some of these things and what he thought, and Rob admits he has huge problems getting close to people, anyone. His mum and dad form the largest part of his social circle and he has trouble with people in his space. Which is OK but not for me. I"m very outgoing, and I like hanging around with my friends, having a laugh and a drink. Rob also doesn't drink and when you ask him why he will say he doesn't like to "lose control". I asked him his plans for the next couple of years once and they all revolved around solitary activities, learn to kite sail, scuba dive, travel alone...and I thought this is not a man who really wants to connect with people.

I am NOT criticising by the way, I am just trying to explain what led up to this. Its everyone's right to live their own lives in any way they choose but I think you have to think about what you have to offer what you're willing to offer and what you expect before you involve anyone else. We still hang out Rob and I...he's a good bloke and we have some of the same interests. But we'd be a relationship.


on Jun 16, 2004
I happened on your blog while randomly surfing the index list, and I must say it's riveting I applaud your decision to jump back into the dating world and not let a couple of idiots slow you down! Please keep the great commentary coming..I'm a brand-new user, and you're welcome to stop by my site at any time. Have a great day
on Jun 16, 2004
cinnamon, you have always left honest and relevent comments in my blog, and this is something i admire. you extend this to your blog, and i know it can sometimes feel like you were "too honest" about a personal issue. but the beauty of that is how human and real it makes you

and if you're nuts, well ... me too, then, 'cause you make complete sense to me !!!!

mig XX
on Jun 16, 2004
You do realize of course that one of the primary symptoms of schizophrenia is an irresistable urge to assure people that you aren't schizophrenic?
on Jun 17, 2004
Mason, is that like if you think your insane- you're not.  If you tell people you're not schizophrenic than you are?
on Jun 17, 2004
yep, something like that.
on Jun 28, 2004
thanks for the nice comments article coming soon have been face down in the PHD....
